
6.30 趣味と特技/Hobby and Speciality

趣味:音楽を聴くこと,ライブに行くこと(特にロックバンド),落書き 特技:3度ハモリ(テレビのCMをみているときによくやってしまう) ・ ・ Hobby: Listening to musics, Wathing live performances( especially, rock bands), doodling speciality: To har…

6.29 渦になる/Become a whirl pool

『渦になる』はきのこ帝国のファーストミニアルバムで,私の特に好きなアルバムの一つだ。この作品はきのこ帝国のアルバムの中でもっともシューゲイザーとかドリームポップ感を感じさせる。 このアルバムはChapterhouseというバンドの『Whirlpool』というア…

6.28 きのこ帝国/Kinoko Teikoku

最近きのこ帝国にはまっている。彼らの音楽の特徴はシューゲイザーだ。 Wikiによると,シューゲイザーとは1980年代後半あたりにイギリスで生まれたインディーロックやオルタナティブロックのサブジャンル で,ぼんやりとしたボーカル,フィードバックノイズ…

6.27 I saw a friend who long time no see /しばらく会っていなかった友達と会った

In the night, I saw a friend who long time no see in Shinjuku. He has been so busy since starting job hunting. We saw for the first time in a year approximately. We ate hamburgers and fried potatoes, and drunk lemonades at Shake Shack☺ The…

6.26 ほしいもの,好きなもの/ What I want and What I love

欲しいもの:真ん中が凹んだ枕,自信 好きなもの:1989年、信濃町駅の電車発車時のメロディ,建設現場のタワークレーン,晴れた日,身近な人たち,KOTORI,灰色ロジック,Mr.Children,くるり,クリープハイプ ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー…

6.25 灰色ロジックを知ったきっかけ/How did I get to know Haiiro Logic

最初に灰色ロジックの曲を知ったのは5月21日だった。 その日はたくさんのバンドのボーカルがみんなひとりでギターとともに弾き語りをした。 私はKOTORIのボーカルの横山さんが歌ったある曲に魅了された‍♀️それが『僕のこと』。そして、灰色ロジックのボーカ…

6.24 We walked around Ueno/上野を散歩

I went Ueno with my friend. We ate several foods, walked around the park of Ueno and talk with much. I like the time with her. Everything is fun whenever I’m with her! We became friends by common interest that music of “Mr.Children”. We h…

6.23 Why am I full of happiness these days?/ なぜ私は最近幸せに満ちているのか?

Lately, I often feel happy. Why? I consider it. Consequently, I got to one conclusion. It is because, I have some person who makes me think that i like myself when I’m with their. Such people have three commons. That are to make me feel co…

6.22 バイト先の飲み会/ The drinking party with colleagues


6.21 最近人生が幸せに満ちていて素晴らしい/6.21 Lately, my life is full of happiness and wonderful

Today, I had classes, had a dinner with my friends and went the live house in Kichijoji to met Haiiro Logic. In the dinner, I celebrated that my friends got a job offer. I was glad that their career has decided! To be honest, I can’t decid…

6.20 素晴らしい出来事/6.20 A wonderful incident

I worked part time from 7 to 15 like yesterday. After that, i watched live performance of “SIX LOUNGE” and “SUPER BEAVER.” Both of them are rock band. Their music are so cool and full of passion. The vocal of SIX LOUNGE has awesome voice, …

6.19 灰色ロジック/6.19Gray Logic

I worked part timefrom 7 to 15. My senior in my work place will get married tomorrow, so I celebrated it. In the night, I went the live house in Shinjuku to watched my favorite band’s performance. The band is “Haiiro Logic(Gray Logic)”. La…

About live performance of Unblock, KOTORI, KAKASHI on 17th June/6月17日のUnblockとKOTORIとKAKASHIのライブについて

I watched the live perfomance of “Unblock”, “KOTORI” and “KAKASHI” today. All group are rock bands. I like all of them. Especially, I love KOTORI so much, I told you many times about this During their performance, Yokoyama who is vocal of …

Diary of 16th June/6月16日の日記

I went Kokubunji to saw the friend who long time no see. We ate Ramen that hot and spicy. Which is very spicy but delicious.☺️ After that, we went cafe and had cakes and tea. We talked about each other so much. I had nice time with her, so…

Diary of 15th June/ 6月15日の日記

My friend got her hair cut. She is Karin. Karin had a long hair. I saw her that her hair is short for the first time. Her new hair is goods on her. Lately, many friends got their hair cut.And me too. Why? I guess that because summer will c…

Diary of 14th June/ 6月14日の日記

Today, I had classes from the morning in the university. I have classes from the morning to the night and i talk with a foreign student from China on every Thursdays.She likes animation, and very good at drawing. In the night, i saw my boy…

Diary of 13th June /6月13日の日記

I waked up at 5:20. I wake up early when I work part time . I worked part time from 7 to 15 today. I like working at the my work place. It is because everyone at my work place is very kind and staff meals tastes so good. Change the subject…

Diary of 12th June/6月12日の日記

I could’nt get enough time to sleep, so I ‘m sleepy all day long. I worked part time from 7 to 12. After that I studied and went Shibuya to eat dinner with my friend. My friend’s name is Shuko. I always happy and pleasant when I’m with her…

6/11 Diary (日記)

It was rainy day. A typhoon is approaching Japan so it is rain.Now, Japan is a period of the rainy season. On such a day, I wanna read comics and books, watch movies and relax. But, i’m Studying English with my friend in the cafe,because i…